Tip Of Tongue And D2C —Take The RED PILL

The DPAA Video Everywhere Summit in photos II

More on the day in photos

The speakers were excellent.  Obviously some better than others.  The professionals knew their material and applied it generously and appropriately to the #OOH / DOOH audience. Tip of Tongue and D2C dominated the afternoon with Anush Prabhu and Terence Kawaja  Typically, near the end of these all day events, the number of people in the chairs diminishes significantly by late afternoon.  This event did not, which speaks to the planning and speakers selected by DPAA.  Congrats Barry Frey & team.

Summarizing two more of the top presentations.  Check out the slides and summary comments.

Anush Prabhu, Managing Partner & Chief Strategy Officer, MediaCom, USA

Tip of Tongue trumps Top of Mind!

No longer Top of Mind, must be Tip of Tongue!

Effective visual on Tip of Tongue for brand.  Anush Prabhu, MediaCom

“You used to see someone talking to themselves on the street and think they were crazy, now it’s just the norm. In 5 years time we will probably be speaking more to machines than to people.” MCM CSO, Anush Prabhu

Terence Kawaja, shaking the balconies to the floor at the Shattering ideas. Luma Partners

Terence Kawaja‏, the energy and ideas he presented at the DPAA Summit nearly shook the balconies to the floor!

This meme drives the Terence Kawaja‏ point home on the changes in marketing -Direct to Consumer D2C brands

This meme drives the Terence Kawaja‏ point home on the changes in marketing -Direct o Consumer D2C brands

You may not like the imagery but the example works in illustrating the effectiveness of Direct to Consumer success.

You may not like the imagery but the example works in illustrating the effectiveness of Direct to Consumer success. Terence Kawaja

Proof of Direct to Consumer success by advertiser/brand

Proof of Direct to Consumer success by advertiser/brand. Terence Kawaja

The DPAA Digital OOH Everything   
is worth every penny and every minute.  Invest in yourself.  Be there next year.