Digital Out of Home (DOOH) is the Hottest Medium to Reach Consumers On-The-Go

The DOOH (digital out of home) industry is thriving, which means location data has cemented its place in technology’s present and future.

Digital out of home (DOOH) media revenues worldwide are up 13% this year, with the U.S. estimated to expand by more than 10%. In actual dollars, that’s more than $3 billion in the U.S. and $13.4 billion globally.

These numbers are from PQ Media’s 2017 Global OOH Forecast, which also states that consumer exposure to digital out of home (DOOH) screens grew 9% this year.

And there is more exciting news to come, as Media Village/Jack Myers forecasts a 12.8% growth rate for DOOH in 2018.

All of this, of course, at a time when the rest of the ad market is lukewarm at best.

There are myriad reasons for DOOH’s outstanding growth and bullish outlook, but one of the biggest is its ability to not only reach — but actually target — consumers on the go.

Our society is more mobile, active and urban than ever before. And great location data companies like GroundTruth enable the effective targeting and re-targeting of today’s consumers.

How does the integration market look for 2018? Join us on January 24 to hear the good news and the bad news. Learn More!

Additionally, the audiences for ad-supported media inside the home is both shrinking and fragmenting.

According to Nielsen, traditional television viewing has been decreasing steadily year-over-year across most demographics. Similarly, time spent on desktops is down 12% since 2013.

Which leads us back to DOOH’s ability to actually target on-the-move consumers.

DOOH & Mobile Go Together like Milk and Cookies