Digital Place Based Ad Spending Forecasts

Miller Kaplan Arase Advertising Revenue Reporting

DPAA member and non-member networks are asked to provide their advertising revenues, on a confidential basis, to Miller Kaplan & Arase, the third party accounting firm, on a quarterly basis.

This report data is then made available to DPAA members at Membership meetings. For insights in revenue growth and forecasting please reach out to

NETWORKS: If you are a network and would like more information about participation please go to this page.

AGENCIES: If you are interested in finding out more about these reports please contact

Jack Myers Economic forecast 

Digital Place Based Media is also reported in Myers Economic Forecasts which currently include media and marketing spending in 52 categories. This forecasting report is a DPAA member only benefit. For more information, please reach out to your DPAA representative.

PQ Media GlOBAL Digital Out of Home Media Forecast 

The PQ Media Global Digital Out of Home Media Report is prepared on an annual basis. It provides a five-year advertising spending historical perspective and five-year projections for digital place based media and for digital billboards & signage in the US and 27 other countries.