Resources – Glossary

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Assets: Audio, video, still photography, logo graphics etc, and similar elements which are used as components to create finished advertising spots.


Audience: The number and type of people exposed to a vehicle with an opportunity to see the typical advertising unit.


Audience Composition: The demographic and/or socioeconomic profile of the network’s audience that is inclusive of the percentage of the total audience falling in each segment.


Audited Circulation: The certification of traffic count or circulation by a recognized third party according to national procedures approved by the buyer and seller community.


Avail: Inventory available for purchase in specific time periods.


Average Ad Audience: the number and type of people exposed to the average ad unit. For most networks this is identical to the Average Unit Audience.


Average Unit Audience: The Vehicle Traffic, with Notice, for a unit of time equal to the typical ad unit.


Average Ad Unit Impressions: The sum of exposures vehicle audiences for a schedule of Digital Place-based network announcements. See Gross Impressions.


Average Ad Unit Reach: The net number of people exposed to the Digital Place-based network during a given period of time, often one or four weeks.  See Reach or Net Reach.


Awareness: knowledge or understanding of an object, idea or thought.  In this case, the consumer is cognizant of the Digital Place-based network, the programming, and/or the advertising contained within.


Back to back: The running of more than one ad with one immediately following the other.


Banner Advertising: Banner advertising displays along the bottom of the screen when either the video advertising is playing, or during programming as a part of a sponsorship.


Best Practices:  “The quality of a survey is best judged not by its size, scope, or prominence, but by how much attention is given to [preventing, measuring, and] dealing with the many important problems that can arise.”  –“What is a Survey?”, American Statistical Association, 1996


Billboard: A sponsor announcement at the beginning or end of program content.


Bookends:  Two commercial units, usually 15 seconds each, ordered to run specifically in the first and last position of the same commercial break.


Bug: An embedded graphic icon or logo used to brand a digital Place-based program


Campaign: The planning and execution of a marketing plan, including advertising schedules, promotions, events and other media.


Cancellation Policy: The terms under which an advertiser can cancel an ad unit or units scheduled that has already been purchased and scheduled, including the required amount of advance notice and any applicable financial penalty or consequence for early termination.


Captive: An audience confined to an area in which consumers have a strong likelihood of being exposed to the messaging. (See also, Self Directed Engagement).


Channel: A specific, prescribed, or official course or means of communication.  In regards to Digital Place-based, this refers to a particular network of venues.


Compliance: Fulfilling the terms and requirement of a buy; delivering what is due.


Confirmation: Written verification that the order has been received and will clear.


Coverage area: Geographic area covered by network installations.


CPM (Cost-Per-Thousand): The cost to generate 1,000 impressions.


CPP (Cost-Per-Point): The cost to buy one rating point, or one percent of the population in a defined geography or universe.


Cume: The unique number of people exposed to the Digital Place-based network during a given day, week, four-week or other period of time.  Synonymous with “Reach.”


Daypart: A partial segment of a medium’s overall operating hours, during which programming and/or advertising is customized to appeal to a particular demographic or target audience.


Digital Advertising Networks: Digital networks integrating targeted entertainment and/or information program content with advertising narrowcast through digital networks and/or screens in place based venues such as big box and small retail, transit, malls, grocery, health clubs, medical offices, gas stations, office buildings, hotels and other out of home consumer venues.


Digital Billboards & Displays: Communicate advertising-only messages through screens equipped with LED (Light emitting diode) or LCD (Liquid crystal display) technology, often changing at predetermined times, or through motion recognition technology, to showcase multiple brands.


Digital Sign: A display device that has the ability to display dynamic advertising and replaces static billboards and posters.


Digital Signage Network: The connected grid of digital signs, which can be controlled remotely (via the internet).


Discrepancy: When an invoice and the original order for an advertisement do not match.


DMA: A geographic area defined by Nielsen Media Research as a group of counties that make up a particular TV market, in which the preponderance of TV viewing is from TV stations located in the particular market.


DPAA (Digital Place-based Advertising Association): The media trade association that is a resource for information on Digital Place-based advertising, standards and metrics.


Dwell time: The amount of time a viewer is in a vehicle zone; the number of seconds the viewer is in a location from which the vehicle is visible and, if appropriate, audible.


Engagement: The degree to which consumers focus or pay attention to a particular program or message.  The level of engagement can be a function of the message’s relevancy to the consumer, the degree of interactivity of the medium, the nature of the consumer exposure (e.g., stationary vs. in-movement impressions, captive vs. non-captive audience, etc.) and the breadth of competing messaging.


Exposure: A consumer’s experience with an advertising medium or message.


Eyes-On:  A new measurement for traditional Outdoor which reflects the probability that a person notices a billboard, and therefore, the advertising on it.


Favorability: Positive perceptions of a particular brand or product which have been influenced by messaging and/or experience.


Flight: The Advertising campaign period for a particular advertising spot or spots, expressed in days or weeks. Also known as duration.


Frequency: The average number of times a person is exposed to a message, program or network within a given period of time, often one or four weeks.


Frequency distribution:  The percentage of respondents reached at each level of exposure to an advertising schedule.


Gross Impressions: The sum of exposures to a schedule of Digital Place-based network announcements.


Gross Opportunity to View Audience: The total number of incidences, over a period of time, where consumers are in an area where they have the opportunity to view an installed network.  This number can be reported by demographic segment.


Gross Viewers: The total number of viewing incidences, over a period of time, to an installed network.  This number can be reported by demographic segment.


“Gross” vs. “Unique”: Audience measures can be reported as either “Gross” or Unique”, where “Gross” the total number of incidences occurring during a period and “Unique” is the total number of individuals during a period.


GRP’s (Gross Rating Points): The total number of rating points achieved for a particular period of time or schedule of advertisements.


Impression: Exposure to a Digital Place-based network, program or message.


Incentives: Financial or other offerings that are designed to increase participation in a survey.


Loop: Segments of content and advertising programmed to a specific length that then repeat on standard intervals. Example: A six minute loop that contains 11-15 second ad positions along with editorial content. The loop repeats 10 times an hour, providing 10 plays for each message per hour, each message playing once in the loop.


Lower Third: Information, graphics and/or animation overlaying video.  Also known as chyrons and superbars.


Ticker: A ticker or crawler is a small screen space dedicated to presenting headlines, promotions and other vital pieces of information.


Lowest Unit Rate (LUR): The lowest rate offered by the network to any advertiser for a specific class of time.


Make-Good: Refers to an advertisement that did not run as originally scheduled and is being re-scheduled with the intent to fulfill the original order/contract.


Narrowcast: Program content designed to reach a specific group defined by a particular demographic.


Net Reach: see Reach.


Non-Probability Samples:  Any of several different sampling schemes in which the elements in the “sampling frame” do not have both a known and a non-zero probability of selection. It is impossible to calculate the size of this type of study’s margin of sampling error. However, this does not stop some research companies from calculating sampling error with a non-probability sample – it just makes their calculations meaningless.


Notice:  Looking at a vehicle while in the vehicle zone.


Opportunity to See (OTS): The probability of being exposed to a medium’s content and/or the advertising it contains.  OTS does not require actual exposure to all content or advertising.


Digital Place-based Network: Video networks integrating targeted entertainment and/or information program content with advertising narrowcast through digital networks and/or screens in place based venues such as big box and small retail, transit, malls, grocery, health clubs medical offices, gas stations, office buildings, hotels and other out of home consumer venues.


Passive methods: Methods for collecting information that do not require a respondent’s active participation.


Piggyback: Slang for two commercial announcements from the same sponsor that are presented back-to-back within a single commercial time segment. An example of this is two 15-second commercials in a 30-second time slot. This is also called double spotting.


Pod: A grouping of commercials and non-program material in which more than one advertiser’s commercials air. Also referred to as a commercial interruption or commercial break.


Post Buy or Post Analysis: In-depth analysis executed after the flight has completed.


Presence:  The most basic qualification for vehicle audience exposure is to be in the Presence of that vehicle.  For a vehicle with sound, it means being in a location where the vehicle is audible.  In all cases, it requires being in a location where the vehicle is visible.


Probability sampling: Any of several different sampling approaches in which each element in the population has a known, non-zero probability of being selected.


Purchase Intent: The likelihood that an individual consumer will buy a particular product.


Rating: The estimate of the size of the audience, expressed as a percent of the audience population. The percent sign is not shown and the rating may represent overall viewing or a specific segment of audience viewing within a defined geography or universe.


Reach: The net number of people exposed to the Digital Place-based network during a given period of time, often one or four weeks.


Recall: The ability to remember a particular advertisement or segment from within a digital Place-based program.  This can be measured with (aided) or without (unaided) prompting.


Response Rate:  The percentage of eligible sample units that provide usable, complete information in a survey.


Rotation: A “rotation” is one ad position in a loop.


Sample frame: A listing that should include all those in the population to be sampled and excludes all those who are not in the population.


Schedule: The advertising purchased from a vendor and defined by the variables of market, number of advertising units, flight, length of advertising and rotations.


Self-Directed Engagement: Media delivered in an environment in which the potential audience makes a conscious decision to engage with the messaging.


Sentiment: Cognitive perceptions or emotional feelings toward a particular brand or product.


Sponsorship: The ability for an advertiser to have their logo associated with a particular piece of content as in sponsored by “Advertiser”. An animated sponsorship is same as above with an animated logo of advertiser.


Study design:  The specification of the sample frame, sample size and the system for selecting and obtaining information from/about individual respondents in the population.


Synchronized Ad: An advertisement that runs adjacent to a specific type of programmed content (i.e. a Fidelity Ad running next to stock market update content), similar to contextual advertising.


Target Audience:  A defined group of people at which an advertiser’s message product or service is aimed.


Traffic Count:  The number of people who enter a venue.


Unit: Duration of the Network’s typical Ad Unit.


Vehicle Audience: Vehicle Traffic with Notice.  A Vehicle Audience metric suitable for comparison to static media.


Vehicle Exposure Frequency: Number of separate exposures of a vehicle audience member during the venue visit or other time period.


Vehicle Reach: The net number of viewers, of specified characteristics, in the vehicle zone who noticed the vehicle, during a time period.


Vehicle Traffic: The number of visits, over aq period of time, with presence in the vehicle zone.


Vehicle Zone: The physical area in which a person is able to see and/or hear a specific, place-based advertising vehicle.


Vehicle Zone Dwell Time: the number of seconds the viewer is in the Vehicle Zone with Notice.


Venue: The place and location of the video advertising network and screens. Examples include supermarkets, office buildings, gas stations and other places where consumers can be found.


Venue Reach:  The net number for visitors to the venue during a time period.


Venue Traffic: The total number of visits, over a period of time, occurring in venues (i.e. locations) where a network is installed. This number can be reported by demographic segment.


Venue Visit Frequency: Number of venue visits per visitor during a time period.


Venue Visit Time: the time spent in the venue during the total visit time.


Verification:  The process of checking with respondents after they have been interviewed to be sure the person was actually interviewed and that the interview was done correctly and completely – where and when it was supposed to have been done.


Video Advertising Networks & Screens: Video networks integrating targeted entertainment and/or information program content with advertising narrowcast through digital networks and/or screens in place based venues such as big box and small retail, transit, malls, grocery, health clubs medical offices, gas stations, office buildings, hotels and other out of home consumer venues.


Video Advertising:  Full-motion video, with or without audio, commercial, can play full screen or with an enhancing graphical banner.


Wait-warping: An effect of certain types of out-of-home advertising, whereby customers who are entertained while waiting for service experience reduced perceived wait times and increased satisfaction levels.


Weighting: Statistical adjustments, conducted before data are analyzed, which adjust for respondents’ unequal probabilities of selection in probability samples.


